Sunday, February 13, 2005

reducing medical malpractice in Illinois

CBS News is advertising that it will have an investigation on Illinois being lenient in disciplining doctors who commit malpractice Monday on the 10 o'clock news.

In the State of the State speech Blagojevich said:
But we can’t make health care more accessible or more affordable if we can’t keep doctors in our state. We need medical malpractice reform and we need it now. We can protect the personal assets of doctors, preserve the rights of injured people to bring their claims, and make sure insurance companies reduce their premiums.

Last session we tried to get something done. Nothing. I appointed a mediator this fall. Nothing. Only gridlock.

I know the lawyers are well represented around here. So is the medical society. And the hospital association. And the insurance industry. All of them wield a lot of influence.

But the Constitution gives us the power to make the rules. So let's do it. Let us pass real, meaningful medical malpractice reform; reform that protects doctors, lowers the cost of their insurance premiums, and encourages them to practice medicine in Illinois.

I wonder if Blagojevich has any ideas about pulling the medical licenses of serial malpractice docs.


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