Blagojevich's cynicism on gender equity
In Illinois, women earn 71 cents for every $1 a man earns.
Equal pay is the law.
If you are not receiving equal pay for equal work, call the Illinois Department of Labor to file a complaint.
The ads are sponsored by Department of Labor, Chicago Sun-Times and the State of Illinois. Of course Blagojevich's name and title take six to eight times the space of the state seal.
What's the purpose of this ad campaign?
Is it to address a public policy problem? If so, is this an effective way to reduce the gender pay gap? Is it the most cost effective way to affect the problem?
Or is this advertising campaign primarily about telling female voters Blagojevich cares about them? If the advertising is not effective at changing behavior is it just nurturing a grudge? And isn't this like publicly financing Blagojevich's political campaign?